Cuckoo log:
Meds: 25 mg of Seroquel
Physical activity: Minimal
PnP (Pursuit n Passion): not a whole lot, did get an email sent out for my MB project…
All in all today is going to be a fun morning. It will be a joyous day because my little monster will be doing a performance in her school. I am almost looking forward to it… I’m in a state of ‘haze’ at the moment thanks to my AAP, (atypical antipsychotic). What I need to share are volumes of trivialities that really strike a cord in me. Just yesterday, I helped out a long time friend who told me that Mr. AB is a second cousin. My friend is an older gentleman, and was pitched the concept of Apple computer back in 1978.
Was I saying another day that most of the acronyms in my experience are 3 letter acronyms? I think so…
For the day, and for the moment… the acronym thanks to GWL, (Great Wolf Lodge), the saying is… AFR (Accidental Fecal Release) happens…
So folks, please send me your favorite acronyms. They are such a hoot. I know in the military acronyms are everywhere… I’d like to just highlight a few a day, or make sure that everyone is on the same page… Chat acronyms are too good to pass up, but they are everywhere.
My best acronym for all of this chaos of the holiday season are:
TIE: Take It Easy
DWBH: Don’t Worry Be Happy
SYD: Smile You Douchebag
Be well, and enjoy your day… It’s cold out there… I had to jump start my wife’s car this morning.
ttys, (talk to you soon)