cuckoo log:
meds: 25 mg of seroquel
physical activity: many... walking around GWL (Great Wolf Lodge) Poconos...
Gosh these past few days have just been a whirlwind of activities. Little monster and big monster have thoroughly enjoyed spending time with me. Let me tell you a brief history of how these couple of days have impacted my daily thoughts and 'journey'.
Today is Thursday, and yesterday was Wednesday. That by its statement is trying to demonstrate how days meld into each other over here. Before I jump the gun, I wanted to tell you that this is a bounty of people on their path to their dreams. For the fact that I have such a terrible memory... I will try to give a brief rundown of charismatic folks:
1. “The heads of state”: This is actually a play on words... to those of you who know what this means... GREAT... and to those of you who don't get it... well, we'll just have to divulge the dirty secrets one of these days. So there was Ms. N: she is a classic. Blonde Po' lock. Like literally the butt of the best jokes. Both Polish and blonde... go figure... but here is what happens... I really gravitate towards those who are brutally honest. That is the most refreshing aspect of most people that I really hit it off with. Here I am in one of my new spots, and I am just tuning out the world and typing what's in the airwaves. These are the sorts of people that I love to share my time with. What do I intend to say with all these words? It's the simple fact that I want to be heard at face value, and would like for those to understand what it means to be basic. This family is comprised of Mr. G, Ms. N, Mr. t, and Mr. t. that being said, I just want to tell you how nice it is to be set in my place. I mention to many youngsters... “be careful what you wish for”... I have achieved all my big dreams without a scratch, and I'm very grateful. My friend Mr. G, had two strokes to figure out what is important. With all of these random facts squashed together, I know that this monologue will make sense to very few people. Oh the humanity... Somebody reminded me of Phil Mickelson in their family. Somebody reminded me of a very sweet, tender and generous Chris Farley. That is a weird way to join people to celebrities, or the like, but it's what natrurally goes into my head. I make coplicated relationships to compensate for the routine experiences and people of life. I don't know how the random circumstances line up for me, but sometimes when I'm typing away... I feel like Ray Charles, or Stevie Wonder as they slam the keys of their pianos.
GWL staff/pack members
1. unnamed cleaning/housekeeping staff member: a middle aged woman who is our time making/saving angel. I was asking my little monster, how and where her rubber band was to tie back her long hair. At any rate, we were just passing by a room, getting ready to be cleaned and the staff member offered all of her hair tie backs. What a welcome, generous and kind gesture. Total cost? Maybe 10-20 cents. Total net effect: PRICELESS.
2. The Starbucks in the resort is staffed by amazing partners. Thank you Starbucks. Thank you GWL.
3. There is a lady in the Cub Club of this facility named CS. She is a guardian angel of all the youngsters that are left in her care. We got a chance to share some thoughts, and I was entranced by her charisma... A woman who has a combined, natural and adopted family. They have 7 children in her household, and she is now pregnant with the 8th. God bless people like CS, to have big hearts, and this undying passion and understanding for the youth of the world. Why does it have to be so strange that I have to vent about a situation that is totally controllable. I was told her position as the Cub Club Manager was eliminated. What a crying shame! To further understand my outrage, you have to figure out why this young lady was at the Poconos GWL. They, (CS and family) were in Kansas City. I don't know which Kansas City, but all in all, she uprooted her and hers to follow a good job to the Poconos, and GWL. The reason, I get insulted is that she has spent 3 years at Great Wolf, and she loves her job, she is loved by the children, and she (to me) is an indispensable member of the team over there. Why do I care so much? Because I can... What does it mean to be such a bleeding heart liberal? It means that very often I care for people and situations that shouldn't matter.
4. The young men and women who were at MagiQuest, and manned the aquatics area. They are really the face and persona of a wonderful experience. Thank you, so kindly, for your passion and energy.
5. I want everyone to understand that the leadership of this org. is truly world class. There are 2 men, Mr. A and Mr. C who are left in charge of this space. One of a kind. Wonderful people.
The BAD:
1. The amount of chlorine and toxicity in the aquatics section was truthfully over-powering.
2. The indifference and run em ragged attitude that prevailed for the parents. No lie, I was hoping that I could pass out, and just rest. We had a wonderful adults only session more than once the first day that we arrived, and it was practically painfully tiring.
3. Unfortunately, I have to run home. I am guessing that I will be able to conclude my thoughts. Be well, and SMILE!
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