Cuckoo Log:
Meds: O.D.’ed… yesterday had ms. AK in a vicious rage, and she insisted on me taking the entire stash of seroquel xr that I had. It was a truly amazing feeling to take 200 mg., and try to stay up… Tour d’ Force…
Top 11 thoughts of the day:
1. Had a breakfast chat with an old high school friend. He is a Harvard alumnus. He is totally chill, and honest to a fault. I just wonder sometimes what life is like when you create this false sense of “success”… Harvard and all… shouldn’t he be the president of some lesser known country by now?
2. When I talk to an old friend from my college days… I wonder why in heavens name is he living in the UK? His answer… healthcare for his children…
3. Why do I love women who scream? My mom was a screamer… It’s nice to be in a familiar space as an adult.
4. Not to judge people is one of my new year’s resolutions.
5. Typing with my eyes closed… I feel so much more energy and mental capacity in use…
6. The times I spend alone, are some of the most rewarding times now. I used to avoid being alone at all times… for those were the times I was most destructive.
7. A squirrel is capable of changing your lifestyle.
8. Many, Great, Wonderful… these words should be used only for special occasions.
9. Take your foot of the gas pedal. Give CONTROL to somebody, something else… Use the FORCE…
10. Make me happy, make me sad… but please oh please… don’t ignore me…
11. It is the small things that make a big difference… My new cordless keyboard for example, has just changed the way I think of fatigue and typing in general…
i like #9... give control to somebody else.