I was just getting back to my old stomping grounds and talking to one of my newest “old” friends. You know… I often take on a mentoring role in some of the younger people around me… People asking me for advice… Is that an aspect of my life that I appreciate? Sometimes it is… I suppose that the general public has a difficult time in believing what people have to say and they trust my gut… oh boy…
A new challenge for the day is that my little monster, (4 year old female) is so in need of my warmth and attention that she insists on sitting on my lap while I type this little monologue out. A very cute picture… hold on let me see if I can get my other monster, the ‘big’ monster… to snap a picture he is on his way to get a digital camera.
My son is not able to take a well focused picture yet... So I had to improvise. Here is a decent rendition of her holding and taking care of the keyboard. You just have to use your imagination, and see a big fat happy daddy in the empty seat next to her... Use your imagination. All I hear is, "Daddy I want to type... I want to type..." She is humming a song, which I cannot decipher. "Here comes Santa Claus"...
Life is good... thank the good lord for giving both my children strep throat... I just hope that she doesn't have a hard time getting back to the swing of school after a full week of vacation. All the best to you, and everyone who read and shared these pics and words with me...
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