In trouble… ALWAYS… there is a world that I miss… that’s the world of innocent and honest discourse… how is it that when we get older things mean more and more, whilst we neglect the more important people…
This morning was a good one…
Quotes overheard:
1. This store, these partners, my guests are my life… (talking to a Starbucks store manager).
2. I heard you wanted me to grow some balls and kick you out, (same Starbucks manager talking about my not so well received attitude)
3. A guy got out of his car and grabbed the cop who was directing traffic…
What this all means to me:
1. People are too involved with their profession and their 9 to 5 has consumed their being… it is sad when you have a dozen people from your workplace invited to your wedding, but are not able to be forthright with them in regards to how life should be lived… it’s all about veneers… too many freakin veneers in the world…
2. The way that others are perceived is fueled by gossip and not honest discussion.
3. No respect for the law, no respect for orderly flow of traffic… the people of this world are going to hell in a hand basket…
Why is it that some people relish being the center of attention? I honestly believe that it is a function of being either neglected as a child, or being dropped on your head… in my case, I believe that both hold true. There are so many people who need their boat righted… a few simple notable quotes from my own thoughts…
1. If I fail miserably, like EPIC FAILURE… I will be forced to move down to Orlando, Florida
2. New York / New Jersey people are living in a dark cave… would someone kindly turn on the lights?
3. What is it with order and quiet that people love so much? I am getting so bored of it all…
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