what is there to do in this parking lot? it's a barren space with a lot of beautiful tree-like formations and plenty of holiday lights... let me tell you why i don't like to be politically correct...
1. regardless of what i say, i will irritate someone anyway
2. politically correct notions are so lame... think of how we call black people... "african-american"... name me any black person who prefers to be called african-american... let's then ask them how much time they spent in africa... in their entire life...
3. one of my favorites today is that i know of a jehovah's witness who doesn't celebrate most national holidays... what is it with these super serious folks, who insist on following rules, and don't know what the notion of having fun at their "i get paid to be here" space...
4. why is everybody so sensitive about other people's thoughts? do people really care, if they use words like... "that's gay"... of all people, i should not be reprimanded for using terms like that... if it's gay, it's gay... it's not... hey, that's so 'homosexual, with a male gender affinity'
5. more politically correct terms... there are so many people worried about talking about how much money you make... if you make a lot great, if you make a little great... what's the concern? if you have enough to eat 3 square, and have a space to live with a barely livable environment you are miles away from the 2 billion other humans who live/earn less than 2 dollars a day...
6. judging people has become illegal? can't i say... hey your last name is goldberg, you're probably jewish right? many times... the people i am directly talking are not offended, but the peanut gallery loses their cool...
7. heavy duty people... i told a gal at a computer store... 'you'd look slamming if you lost 40 lbs.'... she never wanted to talk to me again...
8. what is it with people who drive nice cars...? they are just so lost... there is no reason to buy a bentley or a lambo... (guys with jichi ching ching)... all the 20 somethings that i roll with are talking about fast cars... and don't know what the true cost of ownership is... actually that is probably the most overwhelming bias that i see where i grew up...
9. keeping up with the others and comparing... so you are supposed to feel better... my mom's story is one of joy, pain, hard work, pain and joy, and pain again... can you see the resounding feeling here is pain? don't get me wrong i love my mom, but she does pain so well... what do i call her? i call her my mom sometimes... that's so true of how most people feel... but are not willing to say it...
10. speaking to those who are lost is not easy... sometimes i wish i could use a laser to make others realize that they are living in a cloud...
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