Monday, November 29, 2010

sharing from home...

hello world,
cuckoo log:
meds:  25-50 mg. of seroquel xr
physical activity:  minimal
thoughts:  quiet

as the world may know, i lean on a few very unique people in my life.  my closest circle of male confidantes are a tribunal of about 10 males...  let me describe them to you...  my thoughts are that i would love to put all these guys in a blender...  mix em all up and pour them out as one human being...

1.  mr. H:  he's the guy who i look to for any logical answers...  super analytical, super efficient, and super main stream.  surprisingly, he's not in the tri-state, and presently lives in ohio.  gifted to a fault with excel, planning and logistics.  he's my best bud, and life guard...  he calls me more often than most, and is very attune to my mannerisms, and habits.  (a/k/a he knew last night that i was a bit 'off the charts'...  he knew my meds were being ignored).

2.  mr. T:  a true rock...  a true north star...  he sets goals, and makes them happen.  definitely a lot like yoda...  i do hope he lives long and strong...  yoda lived until 800...  i'd settle for 90.  he has a bit old school in the approach.  but that's what happens when you are aarp eligible.  final note; he's my father of 36 most eventful years...  kids and young ones in the crowd...  i was born when he was 36 or 37...  i wear him out at times with my inaction...  but i must share that inaction is one of these things that "cuckoo" folk like to do...

3.  mr. K:  what can i say about this fella?  the one thing that drives me crazy is he is still smoking after 20 or so years of knowing that it's not good for him.  he's brought into my life so many unique pov's that i'm happy to have him around...  he can make a way for himself because he loves to watch college football...  go blue!  so unlike me, but that's what happens when your brother is ymjk.

4.  mr. t:  this guy is a bit hyper.  he does some stuff that really surprises the heck out of most.  intuitive to a fault...  what i must say is that he loves life more than i will understand.  doesn't want to share, and loves to help others except his own sister...  sounds like a perfect relationship to me.  btw, he's only 6...  working on 16.

5.  mr. JC:  a member of our BFOM crew...  BFOM stands for brother from other mothers.  we are 4 men who met at our alma mater, and keep in touch, and try to do a casino centric trip every year to "keep it real"...    jc is a doting father, and has a wonderful pov because he tries to do everything.  mr. mom, mr. dad, and all that in between.  he cooks, he cleans, he works full time...  and often can be seen driving around in a  convertible.  very eclectic and very astute is what i would say...

6.  mr. B:  he's a typical 'good boy done good"...  went to all the right programs, and all the right schools.  he makes me smile, because, often we trade thoughts and he evokes the best in me.  he is a most loyal and most unique person, because one of his eyes doesn't focus well, or better state he is legally blind in one eye.  that brings on a need of tremendous focus.  he's one of those guys in life...  who reminds me of a young mr. T.

7.  mr. D:  another member of BFOM...  what can i tell you?  he's the one in college who always was chasing girls...  he didn't even know up from down, and left from right.  we almost went into riotous laughter due to the fact that he was trying to get close to a girl who's hairdo was much more complicated than any multi-variable calculus problem we'd ever seen...  he travels boat loads, and seldom answers my calls...  that's what makes him special to me...  he's the 'one that is illusive'...

8.  mr. JS:  this guy is a barrel of joy.  he wrote an open letter to north korea in his blog...  he's really something to behold.  as with him, and he with his son, mr. e.  we aspire to be a triumvirate of men, worthy of the respect and adoration of those close to us.  we are god's children...  we are children of faith, and we are happy to share...  meet us at EMP, (early morning prayer) at 6 am in paramus...  we'd love to share the peace and blessings of quiet time, and a one on one relationship with god.

9.  mr. R:  he's the guy with the artistic flair.  he gets to say most of the things that are on my mind.  blunt...  til your mind hurts.  that is he.

10.  JH:  he's so pragmatic and humble...  someone i aspire to understand more with time.  good with his hands, and very basically and realistically an amazing man.

so i ask all those who understand and know these sorts of people...  why don't we go up to them and hug them, and tell them "i love you"  the reason that most of us cannot deal with this is that we have fear of rejection.  and to that i must state, we must reject this notion of failure.  notions of failure and foolish pride are hampering our movement for a better world.  MFBW...  that's what i'd like people to talk about.  that's what i want in my deepest darkest moments of my life.  in addition, i'm working on learning MLK jr.'s "i have a dream speech"...  will you all take this challenge?  i'd love to share this speech, words, and thoughts with you...

always and faithfully,

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