Thursday, November 25, 2010

today is going to be a fun day...

1.  there is a young lady walking around this space and it looks like she wants to save the world...  she is wearing tom's espadrilles...  (not to be confused by tod's)...  her comment was unintelligible, but there is a good vibe with her smile...  (in addition she is walking around in spandex tights) nice for us boys to see in the morning...
2.  a korean-american 1.5 gen couple is in the house.  they don't know what they want to have.  but they seem like good hard working people.  so very stylish in the NF outfits...  she in a black fleece he in a cheap $20 walmart special outer jacket...  for the love of god...  isn't that the way it always materializes?
3.  today promised to be a very quiet day (one of the barristas told me)...  here is a guy wearing a very very heavy looking book bag...  what is he ordering?  some $2 buck 'regular' stuff...
4.  a lady walked in with her game face on...  and she is in a rush...
5.  a middle aged man, with cowboy boots, and jeans...  that is the sort of person i could def. have a few drinks with...   calm cool and totally collected...
6.  a middle aged woman, walking in with beautiful tassled loafers...  old school is good school...  her drink, venti non fat chai...  not that i would have guessed it...  but i would have been close...  as she reads her nyt life is good...  the one interesting thought is that she is obviously a mother...  she sat at a small table, (maybe her regular space), and moved an extra seat away from the table as not to waste the potential for the seat.  definitely college educated, and definitely an intelligent woman.  i suppose that she will not be cooking dinner this turkey day, for she is going to her kids or her inlaws space.
7.  a grande bold...  a dude with khakis, jewish looking...  super quiet, but probably a PA (passive aggressive) type...  grande bold is his choice...  what sort of shoes?  looks like sperry, or sebago boat shoes...  my correlative abilities are sort of fun to me, not fun to others...  but that's the way the man with a million thoughts a minute thinks.  gold card holder, the sort of human that i aspire to be?  not really...  i rather stay here and tip well, and spend as little as possible...
8.  728 am, another phone call...  it's so rare to hear the phone...  some people must be super bored this turkey day....
9.  a 50 something female...  wearing a red coat...  planning out her day, and wearing either no socks or ankle socks...  so miami vice i love it...  i can't read the brand of her kicks...  but super organized, and making sure that her day will be under as much control as possible...  (lady can you please get a blackberry) paper notes to self are so passe'....
8.  726 am, phone rings...  who could that be?
eating and watching people eat is one of these observational arts/sciences that very few have decent commentary for.  why is it that 1.5 gen kor-am folks love to slap their lips?  jeez...  if there is something in the world that i would change...  it would be just that....

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