this is my 3rd or 4th post of the day... what i want to make sure that people understand is:
my thoughts and your thoughts are very much the same... i just bring them from my mind to my mouth, and let it out...
that being said: the topic is what does y_____ m_____ mean?
bring on the noise folks... i'd love to hear ideas...
young mnapolean is my flavor and thought of the day...
always and faithfully,
Monday, November 29, 2010
to just give the fair share of fame and glory...
this is where i found how to be whole... this is where i share with folks in the same boat i am... this is where "i can be crazy", "i can be ymjk, and loved"...
please share with me... your thoughts...
faithfully, and truthfully yours,
this is where i found how to be whole... this is where i share with folks in the same boat i am... this is where "i can be crazy", "i can be ymjk, and loved"...
please share with me... your thoughts...
faithfully, and truthfully yours,
wdul, What Do U Love?
with all respect to that things that i love...
Statue of Liberty National Monument
i ask myself, why and how do we love? we love because there is a fundamental need to improve and progress meaningful projects or dreams in life..., (this is me, but a year ago)
this all being said... it seems like the groups that we beg to help at times are the one who help us most...
1. the elderly
2. the impoverished/hungry/thirsty
3. the youth
i am reflecting about the statue of liberty's/ellis island foundation stone... let me google it: it goes like this:
Emma Lazarus’ Famous Poem
A poem by Emma Lazarus is graven on a tablet
within the pedestal on which the statue stands.
The New Colossus
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
thank you all, thank you world... i am a very grateful human-like manatee...
too all those who want something profound... please look up more about the statue of liberty right here:
please support wikimedia... i generally do...
peace and blessings,
live well and prosper,
sharing from home...
hello world,
cuckoo log:
meds: 25-50 mg. of seroquel xr
physical activity: minimal
thoughts: quiet
as the world may know, i lean on a few very unique people in my life. my closest circle of male confidantes are a tribunal of about 10 males... let me describe them to you... my thoughts are that i would love to put all these guys in a blender... mix em all up and pour them out as one human being...
1. mr. H: he's the guy who i look to for any logical answers... super analytical, super efficient, and super main stream. surprisingly, he's not in the tri-state, and presently lives in ohio. gifted to a fault with excel, planning and logistics. he's my best bud, and life guard... he calls me more often than most, and is very attune to my mannerisms, and habits. (a/k/a he knew last night that i was a bit 'off the charts'... he knew my meds were being ignored).
2. mr. T: a true rock... a true north star... he sets goals, and makes them happen. definitely a lot like yoda... i do hope he lives long and strong... yoda lived until 800... i'd settle for 90. he has a bit old school in the approach. but that's what happens when you are aarp eligible. final note; he's my father of 36 most eventful years... kids and young ones in the crowd... i was born when he was 36 or 37... i wear him out at times with my inaction... but i must share that inaction is one of these things that "cuckoo" folk like to do...
3. mr. K: what can i say about this fella? the one thing that drives me crazy is he is still smoking after 20 or so years of knowing that it's not good for him. he's brought into my life so many unique pov's that i'm happy to have him around... he can make a way for himself because he loves to watch college football... go blue! so unlike me, but that's what happens when your brother is ymjk.
4. mr. t: this guy is a bit hyper. he does some stuff that really surprises the heck out of most. intuitive to a fault... what i must say is that he loves life more than i will understand. doesn't want to share, and loves to help others except his own sister... sounds like a perfect relationship to me. btw, he's only 6... working on 16.
5. mr. JC: a member of our BFOM crew... BFOM stands for brother from other mothers. we are 4 men who met at our alma mater, and keep in touch, and try to do a casino centric trip every year to "keep it real"... jc is a doting father, and has a wonderful pov because he tries to do everything. mr. mom, mr. dad, and all that in between. he cooks, he cleans, he works full time... and often can be seen driving around in a convertible. very eclectic and very astute is what i would say...
6. mr. B: he's a typical 'good boy done good"... went to all the right programs, and all the right schools. he makes me smile, because, often we trade thoughts and he evokes the best in me. he is a most loyal and most unique person, because one of his eyes doesn't focus well, or better state he is legally blind in one eye. that brings on a need of tremendous focus. he's one of those guys in life... who reminds me of a young mr. T.
7. mr. D: another member of BFOM... what can i tell you? he's the one in college who always was chasing girls... he didn't even know up from down, and left from right. we almost went into riotous laughter due to the fact that he was trying to get close to a girl who's hairdo was much more complicated than any multi-variable calculus problem we'd ever seen... he travels boat loads, and seldom answers my calls... that's what makes him special to me... he's the 'one that is illusive'...
8. mr. JS: this guy is a barrel of joy. he wrote an open letter to north korea in his blog... he's really something to behold. as with him, and he with his son, mr. e. we aspire to be a triumvirate of men, worthy of the respect and adoration of those close to us. we are god's children... we are children of faith, and we are happy to share... meet us at EMP, (early morning prayer) at 6 am in paramus... we'd love to share the peace and blessings of quiet time, and a one on one relationship with god.
9. mr. R: he's the guy with the artistic flair. he gets to say most of the things that are on my mind. blunt... til your mind hurts. that is he.
10. JH: he's so pragmatic and humble... someone i aspire to understand more with time. good with his hands, and very basically and realistically an amazing man.
so i ask all those who understand and know these sorts of people... why don't we go up to them and hug them, and tell them "i love you" the reason that most of us cannot deal with this is that we have fear of rejection. and to that i must state, we must reject this notion of failure. notions of failure and foolish pride are hampering our movement for a better world. MFBW... that's what i'd like people to talk about. that's what i want in my deepest darkest moments of my life. in addition, i'm working on learning MLK jr.'s "i have a dream speech"... will you all take this challenge? i'd love to share this speech, words, and thoughts with you...
always and faithfully,
cuckoo log:
meds: 25-50 mg. of seroquel xr
physical activity: minimal
thoughts: quiet
as the world may know, i lean on a few very unique people in my life. my closest circle of male confidantes are a tribunal of about 10 males... let me describe them to you... my thoughts are that i would love to put all these guys in a blender... mix em all up and pour them out as one human being...
1. mr. H: he's the guy who i look to for any logical answers... super analytical, super efficient, and super main stream. surprisingly, he's not in the tri-state, and presently lives in ohio. gifted to a fault with excel, planning and logistics. he's my best bud, and life guard... he calls me more often than most, and is very attune to my mannerisms, and habits. (a/k/a he knew last night that i was a bit 'off the charts'... he knew my meds were being ignored).
2. mr. T: a true rock... a true north star... he sets goals, and makes them happen. definitely a lot like yoda... i do hope he lives long and strong... yoda lived until 800... i'd settle for 90. he has a bit old school in the approach. but that's what happens when you are aarp eligible. final note; he's my father of 36 most eventful years... kids and young ones in the crowd... i was born when he was 36 or 37... i wear him out at times with my inaction... but i must share that inaction is one of these things that "cuckoo" folk like to do...
3. mr. K: what can i say about this fella? the one thing that drives me crazy is he is still smoking after 20 or so years of knowing that it's not good for him. he's brought into my life so many unique pov's that i'm happy to have him around... he can make a way for himself because he loves to watch college football... go blue! so unlike me, but that's what happens when your brother is ymjk.
4. mr. t: this guy is a bit hyper. he does some stuff that really surprises the heck out of most. intuitive to a fault... what i must say is that he loves life more than i will understand. doesn't want to share, and loves to help others except his own sister... sounds like a perfect relationship to me. btw, he's only 6... working on 16.
5. mr. JC: a member of our BFOM crew... BFOM stands for brother from other mothers. we are 4 men who met at our alma mater, and keep in touch, and try to do a casino centric trip every year to "keep it real"... jc is a doting father, and has a wonderful pov because he tries to do everything. mr. mom, mr. dad, and all that in between. he cooks, he cleans, he works full time... and often can be seen driving around in a convertible. very eclectic and very astute is what i would say...
6. mr. B: he's a typical 'good boy done good"... went to all the right programs, and all the right schools. he makes me smile, because, often we trade thoughts and he evokes the best in me. he is a most loyal and most unique person, because one of his eyes doesn't focus well, or better state he is legally blind in one eye. that brings on a need of tremendous focus. he's one of those guys in life... who reminds me of a young mr. T.
7. mr. D: another member of BFOM... what can i tell you? he's the one in college who always was chasing girls... he didn't even know up from down, and left from right. we almost went into riotous laughter due to the fact that he was trying to get close to a girl who's hairdo was much more complicated than any multi-variable calculus problem we'd ever seen... he travels boat loads, and seldom answers my calls... that's what makes him special to me... he's the 'one that is illusive'...
8. mr. JS: this guy is a barrel of joy. he wrote an open letter to north korea in his blog... he's really something to behold. as with him, and he with his son, mr. e. we aspire to be a triumvirate of men, worthy of the respect and adoration of those close to us. we are god's children... we are children of faith, and we are happy to share... meet us at EMP, (early morning prayer) at 6 am in paramus... we'd love to share the peace and blessings of quiet time, and a one on one relationship with god.
9. mr. R: he's the guy with the artistic flair. he gets to say most of the things that are on my mind. blunt... til your mind hurts. that is he.
10. JH: he's so pragmatic and humble... someone i aspire to understand more with time. good with his hands, and very basically and realistically an amazing man.
so i ask all those who understand and know these sorts of people... why don't we go up to them and hug them, and tell them "i love you" the reason that most of us cannot deal with this is that we have fear of rejection. and to that i must state, we must reject this notion of failure. notions of failure and foolish pride are hampering our movement for a better world. MFBW... that's what i'd like people to talk about. that's what i want in my deepest darkest moments of my life. in addition, i'm working on learning MLK jr.'s "i have a dream speech"... will you all take this challenge? i'd love to share this speech, words, and thoughts with you...
always and faithfully,
Friday, November 26, 2010
so another black friday is down... life is good...
why do we do the things that we do?
what does anyone ever want to know about life?
i would say one of the most important things in life is how you spend/share your:
1. time
2. energy
3. love/compassion
4. disbelief/anger/ignorance
5. smiles/happiness
at no time do i think that money would be in the top 10... yes money is evident and all over the thoughts and minds of those in modern society... that being said, i just want to point out a middle aged woman who was in my favorite coffee spot yesterday... turkey day...
her profile:
middle aged asian american... maybe filipina... not exactly sure... so why is it that she can say stuff like, "i asked him for a tray 4 times"... "that's why you can't speak quietly"... the most honest thing about people is their demeanor, and their presence... don't mind what people say... mind what people think, and how they act... why have words become such an important part of our life? it's because through words we give instructions and share ideas... we have to remember, it takes a lot of words to describe a picture... (a picture is worth a thousand/million/google/googleplex words)... in most forms of learning and living... the experience is so important to those who are trying to share/live their life...
not to assume to wildly, but i can say this... this female in question was a bit agitated because her turkey day was promising to be super stressful, and it didn't look/feel good to her... the fact that she couldn't get a single thing right, like get a tray in a timely/efficient manner, she was offended...
what i can say of all the things that happen during turkey day...
a timeline is like this... turkey day is a thursday... all the work and planning starts well before turkey thursday, my particular experience went down like this:
wednesday, the day before turkey day:
1. my partner/best friend/co-worker/wife/coach/teacher/student/boss... started to make a green tea cake at 5 pm... it took about 5 or 6 hours to get her cake 'right'... to her satisfaction... if you have any background on my wife's life... she was a home economics teacher in japan... those exacting minds that make your honda and toyota so precise and reliable... are the same sorts of minds that are home economics teachers in japan... so she makes this cake... to me it's amazing... 2 green tea sheets of sponge cake with a red bean paste filler... and white sugar icing... totally rad/perfect/excellent... (fill in your nicest complimentary word here).... you see... this is how it goes... she can make this awesome cake, but she seems like her 'monthly visitor' is in town... i should have known... she's a woman on a rampage...
2. to make a long story short... this cake is deemed perfect by all involved... the 30 or so guests at our house thoroughly enjoy it, and all goes without a hitch....
3. UNTIL the ride home... i have been given notice that i'm not allowed to go to a 1 year old's birthday party because my wife was not given an invitation... how does this all work? i don't understand... but knowing and living these sorts of things before, i just bow my head, and agree to everything... e.g. it's not very useful to climb mt. everest, unless you really want to do it more than anything... confrontation is my middle name, and the reason for me to rejoice... i love making people uncomfortable... with my honesty, truth, comments, looks, smells, touches... the whole nine... i think we could call this affinity for conflict... a natural thing... there is a reason why we call people like me a menace to society... a menace is defined as, "
what does anyone ever want to know about life?
i would say one of the most important things in life is how you spend/share your:
1. time
2. energy
3. love/compassion
4. disbelief/anger/ignorance
5. smiles/happiness
at no time do i think that money would be in the top 10... yes money is evident and all over the thoughts and minds of those in modern society... that being said, i just want to point out a middle aged woman who was in my favorite coffee spot yesterday... turkey day...
her profile:
middle aged asian american... maybe filipina... not exactly sure... so why is it that she can say stuff like, "i asked him for a tray 4 times"... "that's why you can't speak quietly"... the most honest thing about people is their demeanor, and their presence... don't mind what people say... mind what people think, and how they act... why have words become such an important part of our life? it's because through words we give instructions and share ideas... we have to remember, it takes a lot of words to describe a picture... (a picture is worth a thousand/million/google/googleplex words)... in most forms of learning and living... the experience is so important to those who are trying to share/live their life...
not to assume to wildly, but i can say this... this female in question was a bit agitated because her turkey day was promising to be super stressful, and it didn't look/feel good to her... the fact that she couldn't get a single thing right, like get a tray in a timely/efficient manner, she was offended...
what i can say of all the things that happen during turkey day...
a timeline is like this... turkey day is a thursday... all the work and planning starts well before turkey thursday, my particular experience went down like this:
wednesday, the day before turkey day:
1. my partner/best friend/co-worker/wife/coach/teacher/student/boss... started to make a green tea cake at 5 pm... it took about 5 or 6 hours to get her cake 'right'... to her satisfaction... if you have any background on my wife's life... she was a home economics teacher in japan... those exacting minds that make your honda and toyota so precise and reliable... are the same sorts of minds that are home economics teachers in japan... so she makes this cake... to me it's amazing... 2 green tea sheets of sponge cake with a red bean paste filler... and white sugar icing... totally rad/perfect/excellent... (fill in your nicest complimentary word here).... you see... this is how it goes... she can make this awesome cake, but she seems like her 'monthly visitor' is in town... i should have known... she's a woman on a rampage...
2. to make a long story short... this cake is deemed perfect by all involved... the 30 or so guests at our house thoroughly enjoy it, and all goes without a hitch....
3. UNTIL the ride home... i have been given notice that i'm not allowed to go to a 1 year old's birthday party because my wife was not given an invitation... how does this all work? i don't understand... but knowing and living these sorts of things before, i just bow my head, and agree to everything... e.g. it's not very useful to climb mt. everest, unless you really want to do it more than anything... confrontation is my middle name, and the reason for me to rejoice... i love making people uncomfortable... with my honesty, truth, comments, looks, smells, touches... the whole nine... i think we could call this affinity for conflict... a natural thing... there is a reason why we call people like me a menace to society... a menace is defined as, "
a person or thing that is likely to cause harm; a threat or danger: "the menace of drugs".
verb: threaten, esp. in a malignant or hostile manner... yes, i am menacing... yes i'm evil at times... and the reason why i do it? quite simply because i can... if you know me personally, that's why i can be locked up... i'm locked up by the limits of social fairness, and socially accepted norms. nothing i do, or want is socially accepted... at least, i make it a big grandiose thing... (my life is more fun that way)... so how does this all go down?
all i want are 3 things...
1. to make people smile/feel/hurt/cry/react
2. to end the potable water crisis
3. to spread the notion of unconditional love
sounds like a communist manifesto... to some... but that's a-okay by me...
i am not violent... i'm not a liar... i'm not quiet... so why do people call me dangerous? i'll give the simple reason... because, i'm smart, witty, perceptive, evil, hungry, fat, the list goes on... this as a journal, is the most cathartic practice i have... i love this journal because it keeps me real and totally liberates my mind... which in turn liberates me... when is the last time you actually did or said anything... just because you wanted to? i'll say this... i try to do something for myself each and every day... not every day has to be like that... but at bare minimum, i believe that the pareto principle holds true... 80/20, or 20/80...
Thursday, November 25, 2010
today is going to be a fun day...
1. there is a young lady walking around this space and it looks like she wants to save the world... she is wearing tom's espadrilles... (not to be confused by tod's)... her comment was unintelligible, but there is a good vibe with her smile... (in addition she is walking around in spandex tights) nice for us boys to see in the morning...
2. a korean-american 1.5 gen couple is in the house. they don't know what they want to have. but they seem like good hard working people. so very stylish in the NF outfits... she in a black fleece he in a cheap $20 walmart special outer jacket... for the love of god... isn't that the way it always materializes?
3. today promised to be a very quiet day (one of the barristas told me)... here is a guy wearing a very very heavy looking book bag... what is he ordering? some $2 buck 'regular' stuff...
4. a lady walked in with her game face on... and she is in a rush...
5. a middle aged man, with cowboy boots, and jeans... that is the sort of person i could def. have a few drinks with... calm cool and totally collected...
6. a middle aged woman, walking in with beautiful tassled loafers... old school is good school... her drink, venti non fat chai... not that i would have guessed it... but i would have been close... as she reads her nyt life is good... the one interesting thought is that she is obviously a mother... she sat at a small table, (maybe her regular space), and moved an extra seat away from the table as not to waste the potential for the seat. definitely college educated, and definitely an intelligent woman. i suppose that she will not be cooking dinner this turkey day, for she is going to her kids or her inlaws space.
7. a grande bold... a dude with khakis, jewish looking... super quiet, but probably a PA (passive aggressive) type... grande bold is his choice... what sort of shoes? looks like sperry, or sebago boat shoes... my correlative abilities are sort of fun to me, not fun to others... but that's the way the man with a million thoughts a minute thinks. gold card holder, the sort of human that i aspire to be? not really... i rather stay here and tip well, and spend as little as possible...
8. 728 am, another phone call... it's so rare to hear the phone... some people must be super bored this turkey day....
9. a 50 something female... wearing a red coat... planning out her day, and wearing either no socks or ankle socks... so miami vice i love it... i can't read the brand of her kicks... but super organized, and making sure that her day will be under as much control as possible... (lady can you please get a blackberry) paper notes to self are so passe'....
8. 726 am, phone rings... who could that be?
eating and watching people eat is one of these observational arts/sciences that very few have decent commentary for. why is it that 1.5 gen kor-am folks love to slap their lips? jeez... if there is something in the world that i would change... it would be just that....
1. there is a young lady walking around this space and it looks like she wants to save the world... she is wearing tom's espadrilles... (not to be confused by tod's)... her comment was unintelligible, but there is a good vibe with her smile... (in addition she is walking around in spandex tights) nice for us boys to see in the morning...
2. a korean-american 1.5 gen couple is in the house. they don't know what they want to have. but they seem like good hard working people. so very stylish in the NF outfits... she in a black fleece he in a cheap $20 walmart special outer jacket... for the love of god... isn't that the way it always materializes?
3. today promised to be a very quiet day (one of the barristas told me)... here is a guy wearing a very very heavy looking book bag... what is he ordering? some $2 buck 'regular' stuff...
4. a lady walked in with her game face on... and she is in a rush...
5. a middle aged man, with cowboy boots, and jeans... that is the sort of person i could def. have a few drinks with... calm cool and totally collected...
6. a middle aged woman, walking in with beautiful tassled loafers... old school is good school... her drink, venti non fat chai... not that i would have guessed it... but i would have been close... as she reads her nyt life is good... the one interesting thought is that she is obviously a mother... she sat at a small table, (maybe her regular space), and moved an extra seat away from the table as not to waste the potential for the seat. definitely college educated, and definitely an intelligent woman. i suppose that she will not be cooking dinner this turkey day, for she is going to her kids or her inlaws space.
7. a grande bold... a dude with khakis, jewish looking... super quiet, but probably a PA (passive aggressive) type... grande bold is his choice... what sort of shoes? looks like sperry, or sebago boat shoes... my correlative abilities are sort of fun to me, not fun to others... but that's the way the man with a million thoughts a minute thinks. gold card holder, the sort of human that i aspire to be? not really... i rather stay here and tip well, and spend as little as possible...
8. 728 am, another phone call... it's so rare to hear the phone... some people must be super bored this turkey day....
9. a 50 something female... wearing a red coat... planning out her day, and wearing either no socks or ankle socks... so miami vice i love it... i can't read the brand of her kicks... but super organized, and making sure that her day will be under as much control as possible... (lady can you please get a blackberry) paper notes to self are so passe'....
8. 726 am, phone rings... who could that be?
eating and watching people eat is one of these observational arts/sciences that very few have decent commentary for. why is it that 1.5 gen kor-am folks love to slap their lips? jeez... if there is something in the world that i would change... it would be just that....
what to do in a parking lot...
what is there to do in this parking lot? it's a barren space with a lot of beautiful tree-like formations and plenty of holiday lights... let me tell you why i don't like to be politically correct...
1. regardless of what i say, i will irritate someone anyway
2. politically correct notions are so lame... think of how we call black people... "african-american"... name me any black person who prefers to be called african-american... let's then ask them how much time they spent in africa... in their entire life...
3. one of my favorites today is that i know of a jehovah's witness who doesn't celebrate most national holidays... what is it with these super serious folks, who insist on following rules, and don't know what the notion of having fun at their "i get paid to be here" space...
4. why is everybody so sensitive about other people's thoughts? do people really care, if they use words like... "that's gay"... of all people, i should not be reprimanded for using terms like that... if it's gay, it's gay... it's not... hey, that's so 'homosexual, with a male gender affinity'
5. more politically correct terms... there are so many people worried about talking about how much money you make... if you make a lot great, if you make a little great... what's the concern? if you have enough to eat 3 square, and have a space to live with a barely livable environment you are miles away from the 2 billion other humans who live/earn less than 2 dollars a day...
6. judging people has become illegal? can't i say... hey your last name is goldberg, you're probably jewish right? many times... the people i am directly talking are not offended, but the peanut gallery loses their cool...
7. heavy duty people... i told a gal at a computer store... 'you'd look slamming if you lost 40 lbs.'... she never wanted to talk to me again...
8. what is it with people who drive nice cars...? they are just so lost... there is no reason to buy a bentley or a lambo... (guys with jichi ching ching)... all the 20 somethings that i roll with are talking about fast cars... and don't know what the true cost of ownership is... actually that is probably the most overwhelming bias that i see where i grew up...
9. keeping up with the others and comparing... so you are supposed to feel better... my mom's story is one of joy, pain, hard work, pain and joy, and pain again... can you see the resounding feeling here is pain? don't get me wrong i love my mom, but she does pain so well... what do i call her? i call her my mom sometimes... that's so true of how most people feel... but are not willing to say it...
10. speaking to those who are lost is not easy... sometimes i wish i could use a laser to make others realize that they are living in a cloud...
1. regardless of what i say, i will irritate someone anyway
2. politically correct notions are so lame... think of how we call black people... "african-american"... name me any black person who prefers to be called african-american... let's then ask them how much time they spent in africa... in their entire life...
3. one of my favorites today is that i know of a jehovah's witness who doesn't celebrate most national holidays... what is it with these super serious folks, who insist on following rules, and don't know what the notion of having fun at their "i get paid to be here" space...
4. why is everybody so sensitive about other people's thoughts? do people really care, if they use words like... "that's gay"... of all people, i should not be reprimanded for using terms like that... if it's gay, it's gay... it's not... hey, that's so 'homosexual, with a male gender affinity'
5. more politically correct terms... there are so many people worried about talking about how much money you make... if you make a lot great, if you make a little great... what's the concern? if you have enough to eat 3 square, and have a space to live with a barely livable environment you are miles away from the 2 billion other humans who live/earn less than 2 dollars a day...
6. judging people has become illegal? can't i say... hey your last name is goldberg, you're probably jewish right? many times... the people i am directly talking are not offended, but the peanut gallery loses their cool...
7. heavy duty people... i told a gal at a computer store... 'you'd look slamming if you lost 40 lbs.'... she never wanted to talk to me again...
8. what is it with people who drive nice cars...? they are just so lost... there is no reason to buy a bentley or a lambo... (guys with jichi ching ching)... all the 20 somethings that i roll with are talking about fast cars... and don't know what the true cost of ownership is... actually that is probably the most overwhelming bias that i see where i grew up...
9. keeping up with the others and comparing... so you are supposed to feel better... my mom's story is one of joy, pain, hard work, pain and joy, and pain again... can you see the resounding feeling here is pain? don't get me wrong i love my mom, but she does pain so well... what do i call her? i call her my mom sometimes... that's so true of how most people feel... but are not willing to say it...
10. speaking to those who are lost is not easy... sometimes i wish i could use a laser to make others realize that they are living in a cloud...
prayer of autumn equinox...
what i need to share...
my heart is the home of a banquet, and so i sing a song of thanks for all the gifts, talents, blessings and treasures that fill my life to the fullest.
my life is a feast that overflows with the delights of your presence.
in thanksgiving, i rejoice in that river of gifts that flows from taste smell touch and sight.
may my life be an endless song of gratitude.
may this my life song be a magnet that draws me ever closer to you, o god, who has whispered in the silent spaces of my heart words that speak the gift of gifts: "you are my beloved"
these words and thoughts really resound with me, and i wish people really could understand what true thanks comes from. true thanks comes from and is the result of sacrifice... god's sacrifice, your parent's sacrifice, your spouse's sacrifice, your co-workers' sacrifice... please understand, i'm just one to speak the unspoken thoughts of the masses. call me rude, call me a jerk, call me insensitive, but the silence is deafening at times... can we do any of this without the masses? can we do anything alone? can we misrepresent ourselves as 'islands'? that whole thought makes me cringe in fear, and despair, but i must add that i see an amazing turn of events usually daily...
the sun is coming up soon... can you please join me in the fact that the sun is one of the most amazing things... please find me gazing at the sunrise any day, every day...
be well, live long and prosper,
gobble gobble...
my heart is the home of a banquet, and so i sing a song of thanks for all the gifts, talents, blessings and treasures that fill my life to the fullest.
my life is a feast that overflows with the delights of your presence.
in thanksgiving, i rejoice in that river of gifts that flows from taste smell touch and sight.
may my life be an endless song of gratitude.
may this my life song be a magnet that draws me ever closer to you, o god, who has whispered in the silent spaces of my heart words that speak the gift of gifts: "you are my beloved"
these words and thoughts really resound with me, and i wish people really could understand what true thanks comes from. true thanks comes from and is the result of sacrifice... god's sacrifice, your parent's sacrifice, your spouse's sacrifice, your co-workers' sacrifice... please understand, i'm just one to speak the unspoken thoughts of the masses. call me rude, call me a jerk, call me insensitive, but the silence is deafening at times... can we do any of this without the masses? can we do anything alone? can we misrepresent ourselves as 'islands'? that whole thought makes me cringe in fear, and despair, but i must add that i see an amazing turn of events usually daily...
the sun is coming up soon... can you please join me in the fact that the sun is one of the most amazing things... please find me gazing at the sunrise any day, every day...
be well, live long and prosper,
gobble gobble...
so here i am where i do the best free thought...
554 am, and the day is now called turkey day...
i refuse to call this day, 'thanksgiving'... it simply doesn't fit into my vocabulary... it's so irrelevant sometimes how or what an individual says or does... remember it is the collective. what i want to insure that people understand is that life is much more than a series of goals, or a series of accomplishments... it is a bunch of moments... i have a mentor... his family just arrived, and i have to go for the moment... EMP calls... (early morning prayer) is where i am, and it is where i will stay for 30 minutes or so. this is where and how i can really contemplate my real meaning... my real words for most are... love unconditionally, love hard... love for real, and not for something you want... it's because you want to give...
what i love, and what most people love are conditional love... i even tell my kids, my wife, my parents... i love you sometimes... isn't that the nature of humanity? i think so... it's sad how we are such conditional creatures... so 'boring' and so 'predictable'... be strong, be different, be AWESOME...
ttys world,
my word, my heart, and my mind calls me to the sanctuary, where all this sharing is unconditional, unlimited, unbelievably cool, and more!
554 am, and the day is now called turkey day...
i refuse to call this day, 'thanksgiving'... it simply doesn't fit into my vocabulary... it's so irrelevant sometimes how or what an individual says or does... remember it is the collective. what i want to insure that people understand is that life is much more than a series of goals, or a series of accomplishments... it is a bunch of moments... i have a mentor... his family just arrived, and i have to go for the moment... EMP calls... (early morning prayer) is where i am, and it is where i will stay for 30 minutes or so. this is where and how i can really contemplate my real meaning... my real words for most are... love unconditionally, love hard... love for real, and not for something you want... it's because you want to give...
what i love, and what most people love are conditional love... i even tell my kids, my wife, my parents... i love you sometimes... isn't that the nature of humanity? i think so... it's sad how we are such conditional creatures... so 'boring' and so 'predictable'... be strong, be different, be AWESOME...
ttys world,
my word, my heart, and my mind calls me to the sanctuary, where all this sharing is unconditional, unlimited, unbelievably cool, and more!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
what will we do next?
i am thinking... that i should be a crossing guard... i'm hoping that that criminal background check won't make it too much of a burden... can you see me there, and talking so much that the poor kids are too late...
so let me say that i am thinking of writing a book... it should be something to the effect of 'ym says'... so then here we go... i don't really know if this will work... but i'm trying to use a new visual aid tool called magnifier, and it's some really cool stuff, but it doesn't seem to be working properly...
so the main points of the book will be something to the note of talk to me... a stream of consciousness sort of book, and it would be really cool if the whole book was typed by or while my eyes were closed... can i even imagine such a book being produced? a total let your mind be fee flow of mental diarhhea... hmmm... that's really a neat idea... after seeing a really remarkable presentation by sheena iyengar, i must say that sometimes... as a tool, and as a way of life... looking, or sight in the most basic term of things is a handicap... here i am in a most comfortable chair in my fave semi public space... and there are people all around me, one is reading the old sort of media.. a newspaper..., and there is an asian family right next to me, def. within spitting distance..., and my friend who loves nice cars is in the space as well. the best thought of how and why i talk to complete strangers is this... the strangess, uniquenss, is a lot of troulbe, in ther long term... why odes it take so much stimuli to be fulfilled in modern society? i don't know... but it seems that there is too much going on, and it is quite toxic... people talking about weddings, people talking about what there is left in life to do... the classic saying has always been time is money, and that is so far from the truth... time is time, and money is money... please don't equate the two together... there are things that my hold true, but the statement that time is money... is completely wrong... i mean totally over nothing... we try to keep the people around us... busy... just busy for no good reason...
why is it that so many people want to talk to have themselves heard? i try my best to keep an understanding of what drives people to do what they do, but nothing ever really makes sense... so that being said, i must say that our modern society is extremely toxic. that is not fun for me to say, but i want
a few thoughts to ponder...
to those who care...
cuckoo log:
meds: none
physical activity: minimal
mental stimulation: went to EMP, (early morning prayer and it was awesome), relaxing at sbux for the remainder of the day until it is clear to come home...
why i do this?
quite frankly, i don't know... the only thing i can say is that a wonderful dear friend of mine gave me a plan for how to make all this rambling "work for me"... i think i will start writing how to guides on how to be a little bit more social, and what it takes to learn, share, and love those around you. i'm convinced that the world is getting better. i'm also convinced that there is much that we can do in our daily lives to make things make more sense. since i'm such a big fan of bullet points... here we go...
1. websites and the words that we share are important... i was given a whole lot of conspiracy theory websites today and i want to tell you that there is a lot of contrarians out there. it's very well and good... but i'll share those ideas and addys at a later time
2. here i am and the korean american 'shift' has come in. no lie... there is a HUGE influx of korean americans who come and raid my peace... it's 12:35 pm, and they are here without fail. i'm only sorry to say that i can't but into their conversations because they are not the most welcoming folks in the world...
3. i was almost assaulted by a leprechaun today... there is a young man who is a personal trainer at the local health club... and i said have a good day, and he replied, "don't say s**t to me"... i said that is hilarious... the fellow's name is ayman, or something like that... he wears t-shirts emblazoned with the thoughts... but unfortunately, i think he has very little to offer the world... mean thoughts, and meanness in general are generally frowned upon in my world of influence... one of the people said, "did you know that he wears his biz card on his neck", "he also drives a hummer h3", can you say "geechi jjing jjing"... (that would be a japanese child's equivalent saying of small penis)...
4. the day started in a wonderfully peaceful way... why can't we cherish more... the peace, and the splendor of the silence... the reason i speak so much is that i 'fear' the silence... in the poetic and the well received words of one of my teenage era fave bands, 'depeche mode', we should 'enjoy the silence'...
5. gosh, one of my cousins is getting married sometime soon... the only unfortunate thing is that the wedding ceremony is going to be held in mexico city... sometime in mid february... so true that i would love to see that part of the country, but the understanding is that our safety will not be compromised... but i don't think that anyone at this time and age can guarantee the safety of others...
6. what does this all amount to? not a whole lot... the face of modern society might be a man walking around with a high visibility vest... the next time you meet an over friendly person in a sbux, who is wearing a high visibility (crossing guard) vest... i hope you ask him... are you ymjk?
7. what does ym stand for? i like young man, yo-yo master, yellow man, yes man, you mine?, your majesty, yonker mysterious, you motherf***er!,
so what did i do this morning? i saw a more than cool web posting of a group of super nerdy yet super conscious designers... check out the blog, and look for the name... "teague" is the name...
Monday, November 22, 2010
about this weekend... and more ANTHROPOLOGICAL STUDIES...
to those who care to read...
cuckoo log:
meds: none
physical activity: hand to mouth, church food then ramen... had some great food last night, thank you to one of my fave ramen houses of of FL
food intake: church was good... baked zita and meatballs, then ramen... what a wonderful space we are in...
things that make you go hmmm...
inspired by:
"i'm not fat, i'm fluffy" - gabriel iglesias...
"every morning i sit in front of a box... it's called a 'happy light'" - a random customer interaction at sbux
"i'm a manatee... practically, my only enemies are stupid people driving too fast in their boats, who cause me great pain with their boat propellers... xux to be me..." - self
1. choice can be paralyzingly difficult, thank you sheena iyengar
2. women are getting the short end of it... people realize this, and are changing their space...
3. putting up a light with my wife was an experience in patience and progress, the joys of parenthood, and husbandry...
my wife and i have been living in our house for about 5 years. only yesterday did i put in a new light fixture... the box states clearly, turn off power to the light fixture from the circuit breaker/remove the fuse...
my 4 year old daughter thinks, daddy is working and it looks very dark... let me turn the lights on for him...
a. the fun happened at lowes... the associate refused to get involved
- cutting a piece of formica book shelf... he said you need to buy an electrical saw. so i should buy and return a saw? i asked... he said, i'm not here, and i say nothing...
- so how should i deal with my wife who needs it RIGHT NOW... he said, sir, i'm married too, just listen to your wife.
b. i had to do it one way... position it lengthwise in the room.
- since i could not do it, she accepted it, but if i tried my best and made it 10 degrees off, it would have been mass hysteria
c. my wife said the light that she needs has to have 6 lights, the one we bought only has 4. i said to myself, yes dear, i will get on that right away. an email and pix for the ceo of lowes and the makers of the light fixture. do it well, or just drink more scotch... single malt... let's have LESS CHOICE... single malt, or no malt... blended whiskey is for those who can't get the right taste, and they just do the dr. jeckyll and mr. hyde thing... a little bit of this, a little bit of that... at the end, you're just left with an evil monster of a scotch whiskey... a/k/a rat poison.
- choices... can only frustrate one's life. choose the right option... always listen to your wife, but make sure you blame some exterior limitation, and all will be fine...
cuckoo log:
meds: none
physical activity: hand to mouth, church food then ramen... had some great food last night, thank you to one of my fave ramen houses of of FL
food intake: church was good... baked zita and meatballs, then ramen... what a wonderful space we are in...
things that make you go hmmm...
inspired by:
"i'm not fat, i'm fluffy" - gabriel iglesias...
"every morning i sit in front of a box... it's called a 'happy light'" - a random customer interaction at sbux
"i'm a manatee... practically, my only enemies are stupid people driving too fast in their boats, who cause me great pain with their boat propellers... xux to be me..." - self
1. choice can be paralyzingly difficult, thank you sheena iyengar
2. women are getting the short end of it... people realize this, and are changing their space...
3. putting up a light with my wife was an experience in patience and progress, the joys of parenthood, and husbandry...
my wife and i have been living in our house for about 5 years. only yesterday did i put in a new light fixture... the box states clearly, turn off power to the light fixture from the circuit breaker/remove the fuse...
my 4 year old daughter thinks, daddy is working and it looks very dark... let me turn the lights on for him...
a. the fun happened at lowes... the associate refused to get involved
- cutting a piece of formica book shelf... he said you need to buy an electrical saw. so i should buy and return a saw? i asked... he said, i'm not here, and i say nothing...
- so how should i deal with my wife who needs it RIGHT NOW... he said, sir, i'm married too, just listen to your wife.
b. i had to do it one way... position it lengthwise in the room.
- since i could not do it, she accepted it, but if i tried my best and made it 10 degrees off, it would have been mass hysteria
c. my wife said the light that she needs has to have 6 lights, the one we bought only has 4. i said to myself, yes dear, i will get on that right away. an email and pix for the ceo of lowes and the makers of the light fixture. do it well, or just drink more scotch... single malt... let's have LESS CHOICE... single malt, or no malt... blended whiskey is for those who can't get the right taste, and they just do the dr. jeckyll and mr. hyde thing... a little bit of this, a little bit of that... at the end, you're just left with an evil monster of a scotch whiskey... a/k/a rat poison.
- choices... can only frustrate one's life. choose the right option... always listen to your wife, but make sure you blame some exterior limitation, and all will be fine...
Thursday, November 18, 2010
another day in sbux...
hello world,
real quick... i'm continuing a little trivial/fun piece from my other blog life... check out so here goes the country of the day...
before i forget, one of the partners at my gym, Retrofitness of Hackensack told me to share how AMAZING that their space and people are... truly nice. enjoy it!
real quick... i'm continuing a little trivial/fun piece from my other blog life... check out so here goes the country of the day...
before i forget, one of the partners at my gym, Retrofitness of Hackensack told me to share how AMAZING that their space and people are... truly nice. enjoy it!
6) Antigua and Barbuda
- Official name: Antigua and Barbuda
- Capital: St. John's
- Total Area: 442 km2
- Approximate population: 85,000
- Location: The Caribbean
- Languages: English, Creole
- Religions: Protestant, Roman Catholic
- Currency: East Caribbean dollar
- Organizations: United Nations, Caribbean Community, Commonwealth of Nations
- World's 195th largest country/territory (area)
what i like most about this whole big world of ours... is there are countries like antigua and barbuda... fun!
in continuation of sharing knowledge with the folks around... here is where the sbux family of coffees are made... the country of the day is... sbux gets some bolder flavors from the asia/pacific region and here you go:
79) Indonesia
- Official name: Republic of Indonesia
- Capital: Jakarta
- Total Area: 1,919,445 km2
- Approximate population: 231,627,000
- Location: Southeastern Asia
- Languages: Bahasa Indonesia, other local languages and dialects
- Religions: Roman Catholic, Protestant, Sunni Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist
- Currency: Rupiah
- Organizations: United Nations, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
- World's 16th largest country/territory (area)
- World's largest arhipelago
enjoy it for today... let me get to somet hings i have to do...
hope all is well,
live long and prosper,
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
First day... first thoughts... thematic comedy for the masses...
gosh... this is how it's going to go... a mish mosh of ideas, people, events, and a lot of misunderstandings...
cuckoo log:
meds: 50 mg seroquel xr
physical activity: minimal
food intake: a slice of plain, and a sicilian slice.. very nice thank you linwood pizza... (fort lee, nj)
so this is what i do... bullet points of my daily musings... in a categorical sort of list form...
sbux thoughts:
1. why do we come to a public place, and ask to be left alone? why do we come to sbux and complain that "you talk to loud"
2. reprimanded by a woman with rotund disorder... overheard her say... gosh he just talks to talk... it's almost like saying in return, you just eat to to become fatter, smiley, sleepy and more expensive to sell at the market... as if anybody would want to sell you by the pound. toxic, evil, middle aged, selective listening pot belly female human... get it while it's hot... only $1.99 a lb.
3. i was eating next to the bar/drink pick up area, and scolded by a sbux 'enforcer'... "hey i'm sorry but you can't eat there"... am i the only one who loves this woman for being so strict? i think the next thing she's going to say is... sorry... you can't be there... actually coming to think of it... she tells me more often than anyone... "hey john, you have to take a break, so we can work"
4. my biggest pet peeve, is when they have everything for a perfect sbux exp. and then all of a sudden, i hear that they don't have lemonade... my drink of choice is what i call "jasmine tea lemonade, venti cup
5. the enforcer says: "john can you please go back to your seat they need to train" trains are out, g5's are in... whomever thinks that thomas the tank engine is cool doesn't belong in sbux
6. people get in line just to get in line... at sbux... the line is called 'the thirsty ones'...
7. at sbux staff is called partners... they should be called: young, nice, subserviant, perfection chasing, this job is good enough for now, (until i meets somebody rich), passive aggressive human beings...
8. getting your phd is easier than doing the paperwork to ban somebody from sbux. i have a situation in which a malodorous guest comes in... and everyone takes a nice waft of his presence and leaves... i call that a really stinky sbux situation...
9. i routinely tip $20 bucks at a clip... people ask me why... i say these people keep me sane... i have choices... 1. psychiatry at $200.00 an hour, (cash)... credit cards are billed at $375.00, 2. go to my gym, get all sweaty and tired... no need for sbux and no need for explanation... 3. take my meds... $7.00 a pill... seroquel xr is good :), 4. look/shop/read things online... "learn"??? the last thing i need to do i learn something new... my brain oooooozes useless facts... you want useless fact number one? sbux draws their espresso and it expires 10 seconds after it's drawn. no lie... 5. make love to my wife... this is a semi annual event... you might as well have a ticker tape parade as well...
10. no need for others in my life? rubbish... one of my role models and idols... mother teresa rip, my dear... she used to say that the worst punishment in life is "to be ignored"... so true... that's why we all selectively love sbux.
11. met a guy at sbux, he has a porsche... he changed his exhaust cuz it was too loud... that's like taking a ferrari, and putting a inline 4 instead of the v8... things that make you go hmmm....? i overheard he is changing his suspension... could you imagine what he's doing? he's gonna put in the lincoln town car air suspension... floating like a boat... but a very mighty mean looking boat...
mother teresa quips and quotes:
1. Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.
Mother Teresa
You know... that dime you found on the street, or in the free drink, you get from your favorite watering hole... (rhymes with bar 'f' word 's')...
Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.
Mother Teresa
What is the rule of modern society, in which we can ignore all the people around us, even though we see them almost everyday??? another common event that happens at our favorite hang out... (rhymes with mar ducks)...
I try to give to the poor people for love what the rich could get for money. No, I wouldn't touch a leper for a thousand pounds; yet I willingly cure him for the love of God.
Mother Teresa
I want you to be concerned about your next door neighbor. Do you know your next door neighbor?
Mother Teresa
If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
Mother Teresa
If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.
Mother Teresa
If you want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.
Mother Teresa
Intense love does not measure, it just gives.
Mother Teresa
Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.
Mother Teresa
Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.
Mother Teresa
Let us more and more insist on raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace. Money will come if we seek first the Kingdom of God - the rest will be given.
Mother Teresa
Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go.
Mother Teresa
Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work.
Mother Teresa
Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.
Mother Teresa
Loneliness is the most terrible poverty.
Mother Teresa
Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do... but how much love we put in that action.
Mother Teresa
Love begins by taking care of the closest ones - the ones at home.
Mother Teresa
Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand.
Mother Teresa
fat jokes:
cuckoo log:
meds: 50 mg seroquel xr
physical activity: minimal
food intake: a slice of plain, and a sicilian slice.. very nice thank you linwood pizza... (fort lee, nj)
so this is what i do... bullet points of my daily musings... in a categorical sort of list form...
sbux thoughts:
1. why do we come to a public place, and ask to be left alone? why do we come to sbux and complain that "you talk to loud"
2. reprimanded by a woman with rotund disorder... overheard her say... gosh he just talks to talk... it's almost like saying in return, you just eat to to become fatter, smiley, sleepy and more expensive to sell at the market... as if anybody would want to sell you by the pound. toxic, evil, middle aged, selective listening pot belly female human... get it while it's hot... only $1.99 a lb.
3. i was eating next to the bar/drink pick up area, and scolded by a sbux 'enforcer'... "hey i'm sorry but you can't eat there"... am i the only one who loves this woman for being so strict? i think the next thing she's going to say is... sorry... you can't be there... actually coming to think of it... she tells me more often than anyone... "hey john, you have to take a break, so we can work"
4. my biggest pet peeve, is when they have everything for a perfect sbux exp. and then all of a sudden, i hear that they don't have lemonade... my drink of choice is what i call "jasmine tea lemonade, venti cup
5. the enforcer says: "john can you please go back to your seat they need to train" trains are out, g5's are in... whomever thinks that thomas the tank engine is cool doesn't belong in sbux
6. people get in line just to get in line... at sbux... the line is called 'the thirsty ones'...
7. at sbux staff is called partners... they should be called: young, nice, subserviant, perfection chasing, this job is good enough for now, (until i meets somebody rich), passive aggressive human beings...
8. getting your phd is easier than doing the paperwork to ban somebody from sbux. i have a situation in which a malodorous guest comes in... and everyone takes a nice waft of his presence and leaves... i call that a really stinky sbux situation...
9. i routinely tip $20 bucks at a clip... people ask me why... i say these people keep me sane... i have choices... 1. psychiatry at $200.00 an hour, (cash)... credit cards are billed at $375.00, 2. go to my gym, get all sweaty and tired... no need for sbux and no need for explanation... 3. take my meds... $7.00 a pill... seroquel xr is good :), 4. look/shop/read things online... "learn"??? the last thing i need to do i learn something new... my brain oooooozes useless facts... you want useless fact number one? sbux draws their espresso and it expires 10 seconds after it's drawn. no lie... 5. make love to my wife... this is a semi annual event... you might as well have a ticker tape parade as well...
10. no need for others in my life? rubbish... one of my role models and idols... mother teresa rip, my dear... she used to say that the worst punishment in life is "to be ignored"... so true... that's why we all selectively love sbux.
11. met a guy at sbux, he has a porsche... he changed his exhaust cuz it was too loud... that's like taking a ferrari, and putting a inline 4 instead of the v8... things that make you go hmmm....? i overheard he is changing his suspension... could you imagine what he's doing? he's gonna put in the lincoln town car air suspension... floating like a boat... but a very mighty mean looking boat...
mother teresa quips and quotes:
1. Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.
Mother Teresa
You know... that dime you found on the street, or in the free drink, you get from your favorite watering hole... (rhymes with bar 'f' word 's')...
Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.
Mother Teresa
What is the rule of modern society, in which we can ignore all the people around us, even though we see them almost everyday??? another common event that happens at our favorite hang out... (rhymes with mar ducks)...
Each one of them is Jesus in disguise.
Mother Teresa
Don't even speak of jesus... you say jesus lives in this space, (rhymes with jar lucks), might as well walk out on your own accord, cuz a padded cell, straight jacket and 911 are not a joke...
Mother Teresa
Don't even speak of jesus... you say jesus lives in this space, (rhymes with jar lucks), might as well walk out on your own accord, cuz a padded cell, straight jacket and 911 are not a joke...
Even the rich are hungry for love, for being cared for, for being wanted, for having someone to call their own.
Mother Teresa
Take a look at the demographics of my favorite space... (rhymes with silent "mn"tar clucks...) lots of wannabies and unfilled folks... the elderly, the unemployed, the disappointed, the weak, the dumb, those are all the best customers of this place... (fyi, i spend about $50 bucks a week just on beverages)
Mother Teresa
Take a look at the demographics of my favorite space... (rhymes with silent "mn"tar clucks...) lots of wannabies and unfilled folks... the elderly, the unemployed, the disappointed, the weak, the dumb, those are all the best customers of this place... (fyi, i spend about $50 bucks a week just on beverages)
I try to give to the poor people for love what the rich could get for money. No, I wouldn't touch a leper for a thousand pounds; yet I willingly cure him for the love of God.
Mother Teresa
I want you to be concerned about your next door neighbor. Do you know your next door neighbor?
Mother Teresa
If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
Mother Teresa
If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.
Mother Teresa
If you want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.
Mother Teresa
Intense love does not measure, it just gives.
Mother Teresa
Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.
Mother Teresa
Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.
Mother Teresa
Let us more and more insist on raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace. Money will come if we seek first the Kingdom of God - the rest will be given.
Mother Teresa
Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go.
Mother Teresa
Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work.
Mother Teresa
Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.
Mother Teresa
Loneliness is the most terrible poverty.
Mother Teresa
Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do... but how much love we put in that action.
Mother Teresa
Love begins by taking care of the closest ones - the ones at home.
Mother Teresa
Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand.
Mother Teresa
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