Saturday, May 28, 2011

thoughts of confusion...

1. mind control makes me a yellow nig
2. being poor is much worse than being dumb
3. mcdonald's and fat people are going to overtake the world
4. be on time... there is very few things in life that bother people more than waiting
5. know good and useful people... they can fix any of your biggest woes
6. my blackberry has become part of my family
7. why do we take care of things better than we take care of our bodies?
8. having too much is just as bad as having too little and wanting too much
9. quotable quotes: nobody can ever keep life straight enough to remember what is memorable
10. is remembering what happens in your life a gift or a curse?
11. i wake up absurdly early, i have no real good reason, other than the fact that it is quiet out and easier to stream ideas...
12. numbers... why is it that we have such an affinity for numbers? "numbers never lie"... they lie, if you pay them enough
13. simple things like opera tickets change the way our life goes
14. coercion is not cool... go with the flow... make things happen for all the right reasons, everybody wants something, it is my job to find out what that is...
15. why don't i get along with single white females? they are the bane of my existence
16. cooking... my brain is cooking right now
17. overdrive, override, overclockin' overt, overbearing, overthrow, overtime, overlook, ovary? i know i wasn't supposed to come from an ovary...
18. why is embarrassment so powerful? people don't want to be embarrassed, but being famous is embarrassing
19. picking my nose, ass and balls and on yous guys and myself... that's fun... why can't you just admit it?
20. names and thoughts... aren't they the same? i can't remember anyones name for the life of me... unless you make me wonder why you exist... if that happens, i will use mind control to make you not exist...
21. thongs... got to love them... girls who wear thongs make me smile... boys who wear thongs make me cry in joy and disbelief
22. 4 days a month... my wife hates me, and i hate to go home...
23. you know, everyone wants something from someone... why is it when i go to starbucks i get whatever i want... and then when i go to retro fitness i just get a cold shoulder... i think it is because starbucks is where people to get revitalized, and the gym is where people to get their rage out...
24. as a comedian... being white hot is scary... out of control is scary, out of your mind... NATURAL...
25. making love is not what most men enjoy... making love is necessary to end the whole thing with a big finish... everyone loves a big finish...
26. my fingers are so good... my wife says she wants em so bad... i just wonder what amputees do to please themselves and their partners...
27. why do i have so many random thought? it's the greatest show/spectacle on earth to wonder and call people out as you see em...
28. nobody supports good and humorous guessing anymore... everyone wants to see the "proof or statistics..." how do you feel about that?
29. as an analytic... nothing makes sense unless you realize up front, that nothing will make sense... just let it happen
30. technology venture capital firms are throwing money at ideas... i'm an idea... andreesen horowitz..., i was a catcher as a kid..., i'm ready to catch if you're ready to throw...
31. the word on the street is that sand hill road is where all the rich boys hang, play and flaunt their profits... get me on that road, and get me on it now...
32. struggling to gain my confidence... i'm the most mentally confident person that i've met today... remember i don't get out much.
33. i live with a woman who lived through an earthquake... i'm surprised she likes it when we shake boots, and our bed...
34. feeling trapped is fine, as long as you see a glimmer of hope... never feel that you are in eternal darkness, that is when the game gets ugly... almost nobody likes ugly..., ugly babies don't exist... but ugly spouses are the norm? what's going on with that?
35. the random fact of the day... did you know... the circumference of your fist is the length of your foot? those of you who are asking the person next to you what circumference is... just google it...
36. so many terms and words that don't exist anymore... what happens to all the obsolete words? all the new words get on, i don't see any fairness in that... new is cool, and old is lame? i'm old you know... forgotten is not obsolete, but it might as well be... nobody wants to be forgotten
37. all my words should have a micro-printed disclaimer...
38. i don't know where you are from, i just hear where you are from and create my own story
39. creativity is lacking... creativity is genius... creativity is juvenile... creativity is purpose... let's get creative!
40. if safety is first, what's second?
41. why do we define ourselves by what we do for a paycheck? i think it's foolish to pigeon-hole ourselves... why then, do we use idiotic words like pigeon-hole? i'm am an aspiring renaissance man.
42. jobs and responsibilities are some of the most toxic ideas out there when taking risk
43. limitations are self imposed, but societally enforced
44. when i spin out of control, i just need to back away and touch myself...
45. why do the words german and swiss evoke precision, american evokes wasteful, african evokes hungry and poor, and asian evokes small ding a ling?
46. too many items on a menu are not better, just two items, maybe three please
47. i have a friend who counts steps... she is a bit ocd... but i asked her why she doesn't wear a pedometer... i think she doesn't want to count that high... winners build on the past and build their own progressive jackpot, status quo'ers just count to 11 and reset, and repeat...
i'm out... peace and safety to all... have a great day!

Friday, May 27, 2011

when honesty hurts, and when you just don't get it...

you know, two days ago... seems so short... will have to meet this thought a bit later...

right now, it's 5:00 am, and the birds are chirping and the world is starting to wake up... i love the tranquility and peace at this time of day. i will probably be heading to the gym soon. i have come to the realization that i have missed being healthy and active...

so let me talk about the events of two days ago, before they leave my consciousness... i was in fort lee, nj, looking for a job... i had a few great conversations with a few different sort of people. one of them was a 50+ caucasian female. i continued to share details of my life and she did hers. she was a retiree of amc movie theater working most of her career as a cashier, and finally retiring as head cashier. she has a simple but wonderful life alone. she works two jobs and makes time pass. she enjoys her solitude at home and seemed like a sincere and kind person. the fun/stress started when i made a passing comment... totally intended to be a joke, but ill perceived on the listener's part...

the comment was something to the tune of, "if i don't find a job, to get out of my house, i will k*$l my wife"...

i put that statement all by itself, because it almost seems bad... but doing funny, with not so funny consequences is the point of my story here... i left the building and was followed to the at&t store... some police officer walked up to me and asked me, if this was my car... i said yes, (thinking that he wanted to buy it, or was admiring it from afar)... at any rate, 3 police vehicles converge, and i'm asked a barrage of questions... the only question i didn't want to answer was, what my social security number was... (what does that do with anything criminal?) where i am coming from, what i'm doing and the like. they never got offensive, they never got rough, (thank god that i'm not black)... the long and the short of this story is that cops have a tendency to over-react... they made a simple "joke" into something hugely time consuming... they rushed 3 police officers to my daughter's school where my wife was acting as class mother, at the year end picnic...

the officers asked my wife if i ever had violent tendencies, or if she felt in danger with me... in all honesty world, i'm not the violent type or even the aggressive sort... what it means to me to be a threat to anything or anybody is... i'm a threat to food... i'll hurt that big mac and make it disappear. as the people who personally know me, already might know, i've been married for about 10 years now, and have 2 wonderful little people to take care of... being violent and being silly is not my idea of being a respectful or good role model. why do most adults in this world forget that the most important thing is to leave this world just a bit better than we found it...

all in all, this story will become very long winded and i was given an option to be detained in fort lee, in which a medical professional would come by and examine me, or if i would go to a hospital. i decided that going to the hospital would be faster. boy, i was wrong... being cooped up at holy name hospital for 3-4 hours was seriously an ordeal. the only persons who really worked at anything was the discharge nurse, and the physician's assistant, and the various security guards that i chatted with. everyone else that i encountered was a total mess. into their own thing, and not helping at all... the brown lady, indian, pakistani, or the like... who drew my blood didn't pay attention to me... she said i felt a big vein here... well, there is no way to tell you this more bluntly... if i tell you not to draw blood from my arm... why do you insist on doing so?

why is it that starbucks work thoughts and work flows cannot be used at a hospital emergency room? i don't get it... since i came in, when people change shifts, i had to do two psych evals and people who say sorry, when they have no heart in their words... fake people are hurting society much more than honest, sincere people ever will. why be a nurse if you don't care? why be a healthcare worker if you think you are better/smarter or more able than your patient's experience? i would say most of these females in the e.r. chose their profession because they are in it for monetary gains or the benefits packages which come with their employment. world... please love what you do, and do and live your life with passion. there is too much just gotta' get it done in this world going around. the one good take away, which i already knew is that i am hypertensive. hyper people should be hyper tensive... what a freakin' genius' conclusion! empathy is lacking in the hospital... empathy is lacking in the real world society... change it, or ignore it... i rather change it thank you very much...

all the best,

Friday, May 20, 2011

being afraid of life...

i have been sharing with quite a few people lately, how their life is...

quite frankly, everyone is looking for a job, or a means to pay bills... just yesterday, i talked to a fellow named dave c., and he has founded a company called the new york social network, and works with 8 minute dating in manhattan. he may just be one of the coolest people i've met (on the phone, yet to physically meet). while sharing with him on the phone, i found out that my dreams of being a matchmaker, love finder and passion sharer... he said something very poignant... i lead them to water, it's their choose to drink. the one couple which he actually 'matched' ended in divorce. he is directly/indirectly responsible for about 60 marriages. how cool...

on every page, and every space, there should be contrast. on the other side, there is an old college roommate that i had shared less than a year with. his code name is peach boy... if you are of japanese origin, you might understand what i'm talking about. he's my age, and researching and re-centering his life around script writing... that's pretty damn amazing considering he came from an electrical engineering background. pretty effin groovy, but not having felt the intimacy and surrealistic effects of love and passion has held him back. actually he is in love with rachel mcadams, and i don't know what that means, but he has 2 way telepathic communication with her. that's neat isn't it?

let me go to the gym before i turn into a pile of poop...

all the best to you and yours,
may the force be with you,

Thursday, May 19, 2011

thoughts of the day...

i was thinking to myself... in the past few days

1. all girls love other girls... and sometimes their spouses suffer... and as social beings we need to let these interactions flourish...
2. had an epiphany, about what one can talk about... a little liquid lubrication and the topics fly out...
3. my wife had a field trip to an adult novelty store, and she was surprised
4. reading is so fun... but sometimes, being overwhelmed by the quantity of reading can be paralyzing...
5. fire... such a basic thing, but why is it so many modern men don't know how to get a good quality barbecue fire going...
6. i love the smell of my 'kkochu'... just something random....
7. why is it most of my best ideas happen while taking a shower?
8. why is it that my daughter takes so long to put on her tights? why did we create such difficult items for children to put on? go get/make some children's spanx
9. today is the best day of your life...
10. why can we understand so much more when we are not being defensive?
11. love is in the air, why are we so caught up in love... but not able to take meaningful actions to pursue love...?

all for now,