Thursday, May 19, 2011

thoughts of the day...

i was thinking to myself... in the past few days

1. all girls love other girls... and sometimes their spouses suffer... and as social beings we need to let these interactions flourish...
2. had an epiphany, about what one can talk about... a little liquid lubrication and the topics fly out...
3. my wife had a field trip to an adult novelty store, and she was surprised
4. reading is so fun... but sometimes, being overwhelmed by the quantity of reading can be paralyzing...
5. fire... such a basic thing, but why is it so many modern men don't know how to get a good quality barbecue fire going...
6. i love the smell of my 'kkochu'... just something random....
7. why is it most of my best ideas happen while taking a shower?
8. why is it that my daughter takes so long to put on her tights? why did we create such difficult items for children to put on? go get/make some children's spanx
9. today is the best day of your life...
10. why can we understand so much more when we are not being defensive?
11. love is in the air, why are we so caught up in love... but not able to take meaningful actions to pursue love...?

all for now,

1 comment:

  1. #6 ... don't take it wrong if i don't shake your hand anymore.
