hey people...
i was born for industrial espionage...
i don't know what provokes me to want to listen in on convos.
i have very bad luck talking to redheads... i was ripped a new one by a hypersensitive - cultural woman who was just having a bad day b/c i told her that her lack of desire/joy for shopping and headbags made her non-female
i overhear and have read... "serial killer", i'm "expecting... by next months, we will have a new addition, to our family"
i can't tell you that there is any meaning to any of these ramblings, but i would love to share the fact that i am next to a computer programmer, and he is just aimlessly driving a convo. with yeah yeah yeah yeah... please shoot me before you talk like this to me... BORING!
on a more interesting note... met a Dr. M today and he's super smart and a great listener... i like those attributes... his sis, a super cool employee at a great raquetballer and a father of a 4 year old daughter... i was like... u and i can jam and talk all day long... very very cool. sadly he will be moving to san diego very shortly... thank god for these opps., regardless
let me let u go...
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