hello world,
1. i went jogging this morning... fat people don't run unless... but only for a limited time... FREE FOOD...
2. just to tell you a little bit about myself... i like lots of things, that's why i'm fat, and am many things, that's why i'm mentally disturbed... i'm a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-gmail address loving, numbers guy, with multiple personalities... i grew up in 11355, learned about the "hood" life in 10030, went to high school in 07450, went to college in 30332 and had learned how to dance merengue, and eat chimmichurris in 10033, started but did not complete my mba in 10010, lived 7 years in 10025 and now i live in 07024, with 1 wife..., an 1 imaginary dog, 1 stuffed cat, and the 2 children who own the pets...
3. i meet people from all walks of life... i meet people whose parents i guess name their children by when and how they were conceived... how people name their children is truly amusing to me... why do girls get all the cool names and guys get practical and functional names? a month ago i met a cute little girl named "miracle"... possibly a test tube or in-vitro situation... yesterday, i met a girl named paradise, probably a hawaii or thailand honeymoon baby... i have a friend who's father was stationed in japan, and named him yoko, short for yokohama. today i met a guy named broadway...
5. i mentioned i love numbers... i live in chaos but love the ordered paradigm that numbers put my life into... most people here will be hey dude, relax with the nickle and dime words... this is comedy not some S A T prep course... i say, just G O O G L E the word... P A R A D I G M.
6. my wife told me to do the dishes... i said how, there's no holes in the dishes...
7. people don't listen to me... because i talk to much... i'm going to do my best to use the silent treatment on them to punish them... not likely that it will work, but never hurt to try...